Sunday, October 3, 2010

TRAFFIC @ a check-out line?

Our itinerary for today...

  1. Get a replacement light for our lounge room
  2. Get more items for X-mas deco
  3. Get some hooks
Off we went to Metro at Market Market to get our items. Well actually, Kris (our friend) and I went to get the list above.  Rom on the other had, worried that the Grand Finals were on and needed to get back to his favourite spot in the house ie the couch went back home.

It took us all but 10mins to get our items, when we went to the counter there was a long line - a lady who decided to buy giant baubles for no doubt her home X-mas decorations held up the line. 

I wasn't really bothered by that, what didn't make sense is that there was clearly a huge line, 4 counters and 6 people all doing the one thing, counting and triple checking the baubles she purchased. Mind you all the baubles cost the same, she bought 10 of each of Gold, Bronze, Silver and Red - seriously couldn't be that hard. Obviously, it was, 30mins it took for them to solidify the purchases. Meanwhile, whilst this was happening Kris went to look around for other counters - they were just as full but more importantly moving! 

I just had to laugh, because why make things more complicated - 3 people were counting and double checking the purchases and 2 girls were double checking the entry! That is seriously just over the top, either that or they didn't trust themselves enough with their counting skills.

I thought it was quite one even thought to call another person to operate the other cashier! Traffic isn't just on the roads people, it's also on the checkout lines :) 

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