A few days ago I was asked to provide my opinion or views on Xenophobia/ Citize-Immigrant divide here in SG from the eyes of a Foreigner from an intern who is doing research on this.
I was a little apprehensive at first and asked if I should be honest - now my version of honesty can be viewed by others as brutal or offensive. I was told by my local friends to be honest. Following this advice, I was honest but without the brutality that usually comes with my opinions ie I don't usually have grey areas but in this case I thought to be 'diplomatic'.
My response...
After living here for just over 2 years, I would have to say that 90% of my experience has been positive. Most of the Singaporeans that I know are wonderful, down to earth, kind people and has even been kind enough to embrace my curiosity in learning more about Singaporean culture and beliefs.
I’ve learnt a long time ago not to pay heed to any popular belief or following the status quo – I’ve been taught to not judge first without knowing. Besides, I thend to go to 'the beat of my drum' as the saying goes.
I haven’t even heard of xenophobia or read the papers written about it, as I understand it is the fear of the unknown. In my opinion you only have fear if you feel threatened and you feel threatened only if you don’t have the confidence to face that fear.
If it is by this definition, then I think Singaporeans’ xenophobia will always be present and constant and I don’t think there would be an overnight solution. Though Singapore is not alone with this regard, in every country there is always that 10% minority that don’t understand the unknown whether that is cultural, religious, gender and sexuality differences.
If I were to be honest, I have had not so nice experiences whilst living here in Singapore but it’s not something new to me either – it’s everywhere in the world no matter which country, but that doesn’t mean I tolerate it, I do speak my mind particularly when comments are aimed at me.
Personally I think ‘Xenophobia’ is exactly the same as ‘Discrimination’ both stem from fear of the unknown or feeling threatened because of insecurities or the lack of willingness in one’s self to learn before passing judgement – ‘Xenophobia’ just sounds nicer.
However, the positives outweigh the negatives, I find it amusing that the term ‘FTs’ – which I recently learned meant Foreign Talent, is aimed at foreigners. I don’t find it discourteous or a derogatory remark, though I know it is – it actually sounds like a compliment, there are worse things to be called. Yes, I am a Foreigner and I do have Talent that I am more than happy to share in which Singapore or any country I put mind to go to, can benefit from – that’s my positive take. I laugh that sometimes the most viable solution is just to tell foreigners to simply 'go back to your country', when equally I could easily turn around and say the same thing - right?
I find it such a paradox that for a multi-cultural country that celebrates its diverse cultures that there are still discrepancies and inequalities even between the races that helped built Singapore as a nation, so there is that to consider as well as the citizen-immigrant divide. Education, self-awareness, cross-cultural activities play a great deal in acceptance but no one can be pushed to do these things, for those that are unwilling – well I say wallow in your self-doubt, fear and resentment it all leads to unhappiness and stress which are not very good for one’s health and well-being.
Then again I’m a bit of a paradox myself, am I considered a typical foreigner here in Singapore? I don’t think so, first thing they see is that I’m Asian, when I say I’m Australian the next question is ‘Where are you originally from’ and my response is usually ‘My Mom’.
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